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Office of Sponsored Programs

Physical Address:

Morrill Hall Room 209
Moscow, ID  83843

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3020
Moscow, ID  83844-3020

Phone: 208-885-6651

Fax: 208-885-4990


Web: OSP Website


Budget Preparation: Indirect (F&A) Costs

间接成本,也称为“设施和行政成本”&A)" or "overhead" costs, 是否有与项目相关的费用不能轻易地明确地确定到某个特定的赞助项目, e.g., the costs of heat and air conditioning, electricity, building maintenance, security, libraries, administrative services, etc. 准确地将这些成本归因于每个赞助项目将是非常困难的. Nevertheless, 间接成本是大学的实际成本,政府承认大学有权要求与赞助项目有关的费用. To this end, 大学和联邦政府协商间接费用报销费率的基础上,一个.正在进行的工作类型(研究、教育、公共服务/推广)和b.)大部分的工作是在校内还是校外完成的, “校外”是指不属于学校所有或租赁的设施. To be classified as off-campus, 超过2/3的项目工作应在校外进行。.

赞助机构对协商的间接成本率的任何限制必须得到研究和经济发展副总裁(VPRED)的批准。, 但在某些情况下,这种接受是自动的.g.(当联邦机构有限制费率时). Your Sponsored Programs Administrator (SPA)可以帮助您确定是否必须将豁免请求表格提交给VPRED批准. 请允许额外的时间(最多5个工作日前的提案到期)为这个过程. 请注意,对营利性实体施加的间接税率的限制很少考虑豁免.

All federal sponsors are expected to pay the federal negotiated indirect rates; exceptions should be documented in the Program Announcement or RFP. All direct nonfederal sponsors (i.e. 资金不是由联邦机构“通过”的),除了爱达荷州的办公室,预计将支付该大学的全部负担率.

Please view detailed information on the current indirect rates.

Calculating indirect costs

In the budget, 间接成本是通过将发起人的间接费用率乘以直接成本基数来计算的. Depending upon the sponsor, 直接成本基础可以是预算中所有直接成本的简单总和(总直接成本或TDC)。, 或“修正的”总直接成本(MTDC), TDC减去预算中不承担间接费用的所有项目的总和是多少. Most federal sponsors use MTDC.

On budgets for federal sponsors, 从直接成本基础中减去下列行项目,得到MTDC, per U of I’s negotiated rate agreement:

Equipment (> than $5,000 and with a useful life of more than one year); capital expenditures; charges for patient care; student tuition remission; rental costs of off-site facilities; scholarships and fellowships; that portion of individual subcontracts over $25K; participant support costs; and any other agency-specific exclusions.

Example 1 (TDC):

一个PI正在提交一个为期一年的项目提案,从2016年1月1日开始,直接成本为150美元,000 to the XYZ Foundation. 发起人将间接成本限制在贸发费的15%以内). The Total Project Cost is:


+22,500 15.0% indirect costs on TDC base


Example 2 (MTDC):

一名PI正在向NSF提交另一份相同时间和相同直接费用金额的提案. 15万美元中,有4万美元是给华盛顿州立大学的分包合同. Here, the Total Project Cost is:


-15,000 Less $15,000 subcontract cost (1st 2.5万的转包费用计入间接费用)


$61,020 45.2% indirect rate on MTDC base


Example 3 (TPC):

TPC方法的不同寻常之处在于,它不仅允许直接费用计入间接成本, 还有间接费用本身. 进行此计算的最简单方法是首先使用以下公式将TPC率转换为TDC率:

TPC间接速率/(1-TPC间接速率)= TDC速率(例如. 20% TPC = 20%/(1-20%) = 25%)

Once you have converted your rate, 你可使用将所有直接成本乘以贸发费比率的公式:

$150,000 Total Direct Costs

37.500 25%间接税率(贸发局税率)及(贸发局税率x 20% = 37,500元)


Office of Sponsored Programs

Physical Address:

Morrill Hall Room 209
Moscow, ID  83843

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Dr., MS 3020
Moscow, ID  83844-3020

Phone: 208-885-6651

Fax: 208-885-4990


Web: OSP Website
