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75.31 - Payments Against Claim Vouchers


  • Position: Accounts Payable Manager
  • Email:

Last updated: August 24, 2005

A. General. In most cases, 采购货物需要采购服务部发出采购订单, or the issuance of Departmental Purchase Orders [See 75.32], or the use of a UI Purchasing Card [See 75.37]. Claim Vouchers, however, 是否有一种支付商品和服务的方法,在不违反本手册所载的程序的情况下,不会导致竞争或需要预付款. 索赔凭证仅在下列特定情况下使用. 6-07]

B. Exceptions. Unauthorized Transactions. 申索凭证表格未授权付款的项目包括以下类别的购买:

  • UI employees or student travel expenses; Personal items for employees or family members; Items which lend themselves to competition.

C. Approved Transaction Types. 以下是可使用索赔凭证表格处理的交易类型. [如有任何例外情况,请致电(208)885-3940查询应付帐款].

C-1. Fees to outside consultants and contractors. 如果支付给个人,这需要一个完整的W-9国税局的目的[见75].31(下文E2)],社会安全号码和附在索赔凭证上的咨询协议. If paying a vendor, 这需要填写一份完整的W-9表格,并在索赔凭证上附上一份签署的协议. 这笔交易将显示在Banner上的营业费用类别中. 由个人提供服务的报酬,如教学、评分、研究等., must be paid through UI payroll. [Please see 50.12, Human Resource Services Additional Compensation for Employees.] [ed. 6-07]

C-2. Honoraria. If paying an individual, this requires a completed W-9 [for IRS purposes], 社会安全号码和报销凭证上列出的服务的完整描述. If paying a vendor, 这需要存档完整的W-9表格和索赔凭证上列出的服务的完整描述. 酬金只适用于非ui员工,并且只适用于与工作无关的活动.

C-3. Services. 当向供应商报销服务费用时,这需要将完整的W-9存档或附在索赔凭证上. The Claim Voucher should have a complete and valid address, Tax Identification Number, a complete description of services rendered, and an original receipt attached.

C-4. 与娱乐和公务会议或采访有关的费用. Invoice(s) must be attached to the Claim Voucher. The date(s), names of persons involved, and purpose of meeting must be indicated on the Claim Voucher. 发还款项须按照《365bet中文》[See 70.21]. UI员工餐点报销,请参考 70.22.

C-5. Institutional dues, licenses, or membership fees. [UI cannot pay individual dues, licenses or membership fees.更新通知或其他证明价格的文件必须附在索赔凭证上.

C-6. Published material 例如书籍和订阅报纸、杂志和其他期刊. 认领凭证必须附有确认价格的续期通知或订购单. 通知供应商的部门地址应在索赔凭证上注明运送材料的地点.

C-7. 教育津贴或学费减免需要一个社会安全号码. 教育津贴和学费减免提交应收账款处理.

C-8. Oil company credit card purchases. Preferred method of payment is payment against budgets [See 75.34]. Payment by Claim Voucher requires attachment of monthly billings. 应付帐款只支付当月的费用,永远不会有远期余额. [ed. 6-07]

C-9. Advertising. 必须附上供应商的证明文件以核实价格.

C-10. Utilities. 电费、水费、电话费、天然气费、下水道费和垃圾处理费. Preferred method of payment is payment against budgets [See 75.34]. Payment by Claim Voucher requires attachment of monthly billings. 应付帐款只支付当月的费用,永远不会有远期余额. [ed. 6-07]

C-11. Freight charges when involved separately from the merchandise. Payment by Claim Voucher requires attachment of a vendor invoice.

C-12. Express delivery invoices. Preferred method of payment is direct payment against budgets [See 75.34]. Payment by Claim Voucher requires attachment of vendor invoice. [ed. 6-07]

C-13. Postage. Requires the approval of the supervisor of Campus Mail. 邮资也是购卡计划的一项允许费用.

C-14. Refunds of deposits for goods and services provided to UI.

C-15. Reimbursement of employees 用以购买部门采购单所不能取得的营运开支及资本开支项目, or petty cash transaction [See 75.32; or 20.04]. Sales tax must be paid when reimbursing an employee. [ed. 6-07]

C-16. Registration fees to be paid directly to the vendor. 首选付款方式为购货卡或美国运通卡. 付款凭单要求附上登记表格或其他证明文件以核实价格. 为发还雇员而缴付的登记费应包括在雇员的旅费申索内[See 70.05].

C-17. Emergency repair services. 要求提供关于紧急情况性质的文件,并核实所收取的价格是否公平合理. In most cases, 例行维修服务应通过采购服务部门申请采购.

C-18. Interlibrary loan charges. 索赔凭证必须附有供应商发票或其他证明价格的文件.

C-19. Accident, SOS, and camper insurance policies 各部门为特殊活动(如运动营、音乐营或为期一天的会议)获取的数据. 透过行政事务处提交索偿凭证,以便准备适当的保险备份资料,提交给供应商[See 05.04].

C-20. Various fees如律师费、产权费、公证费、评估费、税金等. 索赔凭证必须附有供应商发票或其他证明价格的文件.

D. Procedure. 索赔凭证表格可以在应付账款表格网站上找到. See web claim voucher instructions]. Two copies are submitted directly to Accounts Payable. 发票或单据必须与原件签署的复印件装订在一起. [ed. 2-07]

D-1. 领取凭单须由院长/主任或其指定人员签署. If signed by anyone else, initials are required.

D-2. W-9 Documentation. 支付给供应商的款项将不会在没有完整的W-9与应付账款存档的情况下发放.

E. Forms. 有关表格使用的更多信息,请致电(208)885-5379.

E-1. Claim Voucher Form. [See "Accounts Payable Forms"] [ed. 2/07]

E-2. IRS Form W-9. [See W9 form] "Accounts Payable Forms" [ed. 2/07]

Version History

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
