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40.24 - Building Maintenance and Light Construction


  • 位置: Director, Facilities
  • 电子邮件:

最后更新: December 07, 2009

A. 一般. 设施建设行业组提供资源,以完成维护, 修复, and light construction and remodeling work for the University. 该行业的商店由熟练的行业工匠组成,为校园社区提供以下类型的服务. (牧师. 12-09]

  • Custom cabinet and carpentry work
  • Electrical system maintenance, 修复 and new installation
  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, service and 修复
  • Machine shop service – custom fabrication and 修复
  • Painting and glass replacement
  • 钥匙和电子卡门禁,闭路电视系统
  • Refrigeration systems and process cooling, maintenance and 修复
  • Facilities maintenance and rejuvenation of interior spaces
  • Remodel and renovation projects
  • 迹象
  • 安全 modifications

B. 过程. Building Related Problems. 请致电(208)885-6246,详细了解任何建筑系统或其他相关问题. A maintenance 修复person will be dispatched. 如果系统问题发生在非工作时间或节假日, call the Steam Plant at (208) 885-6271 for immediate response. Examples of building system problems include: (牧师. 12-09]

  • Water leaks or flooding
  • 停电
  • Heating/cooling problems
  • 蒸汽泄漏
  • 下水道堵塞

B-1. 构建访问 – Card Access, Keyed Locks, and Door Hardware Service Requests. The Facilities Access Shop provides electronic card access, 键, 所有校园通识教育设施的门锁和门控服务. New services provided include vandal card access programming, 安装独立的电子卡门禁锁和数字闭路电视监控系统. 对于这些类型的维护需求和新安装,请联系设施(208)885-6246. 锁匠处理的问题及/或要求的例子包括: (牧师. 12-09]

  • Door closing problems
  • Door does not latch
  • Key does not operate the lock well
  • Re-keying requests
  • Lock security problems
  • Desk and file cabinet 键
  • Electronic lock installations with access audit capability. 通过联系部门看门人获得破坏卡访问权限.
  • 门的钥匙. 校园密钥的请求是通过部门密钥管理员发出的. 密钥管理员可通过下列方法之一向设施索取密钥: [ed. 12-09]
    • 电子邮件 Facilities 电子邮件 获取关键申请表,并通过电子邮件或传真(208)885-5748返回 [ed. 7-10]
    • 电子邮件 request to Facilities 电子邮件 with the following information: [ed. 7-10]
      • Name of individual(s) assigned the key(s)
      • 建筑的名字
      • Key number, if known
      • 房间号码
      • Departmental budget number
      • Number of 键 requested
      • Date 键 are needed

[Note: When 键 are finished, 设施人员将联系部门领取钥匙. 查询有关校园钥匙发放的进一步资料或问题, call Facilities at (208) 885-6246. [ed. 12-09]

B-2. Heating/Cooling/Ventilation Systems Maintenance Requests. 为教室和办公室提供供暖和制冷以及特殊制冷环境的建筑系统的维护和维修由暖通空调和制冷车间提供. 有关此类服务要求,请致电(208)885-6246与设施部门联系. 暖通空调和制冷车间工作的例子包括: [ed. 12-09]

  • Uncomfortable space temperatures -- too hot or cold
  • 房间通风和通风柜问题(空气质量问题——与环境健康和安全办公室合作)
  • Window air conditioner 修复
  • Refrigerated drinking fountains
  • Domestic refrigerator problems
  • Refrigerated laboratory equipment
  • 冰机
  • 未经预约而来的冷却器
  • 过程 cooling for new equipment installations

B-3. Departmental Equipment Repair Requests. 部门自有设备的安装和维修需要根据要求提供部门预算. 部门设备的安装应包括对现有公用设施的核查,以确保新设备有足够的供应. 请在调用工单时要求对公用事业能力进行分析. 部门设备的例子包括但不限于: (牧师. 12-09]

  • 离心机
  • Window air conditioners
  • Stand alone refrigerators
  • Stand alone walk-in coolers
  • Computer and server equipment (添加. 12-09]

B-4. Window Air Conditioner Requests. 不鼓励在校园设施中安装窗式空调,只有在某些情况下才能批准安装. 虽然这些装置通常从低初始成本和便携性的角度来看是有吸引力的, 它们不能提供许多应用所需的舒适调节的水平和质量. 以下信息应作为在校园建筑物内安装窗户式或穿墙式空调的要求的指导方针.

i) All requests will require review by Facilities. An architectural and efficiency evaluation will be done. [ed. 12-09]

ii) If adequate electrical power is available within the building, 分支电路的提供和与安装设备相关的所有其他安装费用将包括在总安装费用中.

iii)安装在窗户上的空调机组由各个部门购买,因此不需要设施人员维护. 然而,维护和修理可以在收费的基础上完成. Please contact facilities at (208) 885-6246 to schedule. [ed. 12-09]

B-5. Elevator Problems and Maintenance Requests. 如遇电梯故障或紧急情况,请致电(208)885-6246. The problem will be logged and a 修复person dispatched. 如果电梯故障发生在非工作时间或节假日, and the problem is an emergency (e.g., person stuck in the elevator, disabled individual needing access or egress from a building), call the Steam Plant at (208) 885-6271 for immediate response. 如果报告是在正常工作时间之后或周末提出的,并且没有紧急情况, 维修电话可能会推迟到报告后的第一个工作日. Examples of elevator problems include the following. [ed. 12-09]

  • Someone stuck in an elevator
  • Elevator working improperly
  • Lights or function buttons not working
  • 电梯厢或机械室发出奇怪的噪音或气味

B-6. Request for Minor Projects. 部门在“年度会议”程序以外的小型建筑或翻新工程的要求,应直接向设施建筑工程处提出。. 您可以在我们的网站上填写并提交项目启动表格. AES将确定范围和所需的设计,如果它可以由我们的商店或外部合同在内部完成. (牧师. 12-09]

B-7. Requests for Carpets and Window Treatment. Facilities has limited funding for carpet maintenance/replacement. 地毯申请可以提交给AES或项目启动表. (牧师. 12-09]

B-8. Minor Maintenance and Repair Requests. 小的维护和修理由维修技师负责. 屋宇署负责楼宇内部的保养及维修工作,并首先处理住户的问题. Call Facilities at (208) 885-6246 for maintenance person dispatch. 维修和/或更换的例子包括门、货架或家具的维修. (牧师. 12-09]

Version History

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
莫斯科, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119

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