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MS 2030 






石棉是一种纤维矿物, composed mainly of silica, that occurs naturally in the environment. It is mined, processed and then 使用d as an ingredient in the manufacture of many building components.

石棉是一种纤维矿物. 形成的纤维在尺寸上是微观的, 比人类头发直径小300倍. 这些非常小的纤维, 一旦从建筑材料基质中释放出来, 能在空气中悬浮数小时或数天吗. 如果被吸入,这些纤维可以到达肺部的肺泡袋. 一旦到了那里,他们就不能被驱逐了. They become trapped in your lung tissues and your body will form scar tissue around them, 或者可能产生癌症. 肺部瘢痕组织的累积被称为石棉沉滞症. Your lungs cannot get enough oxygen to the blood when it has a lot of scar tissue in it. 也, 如果癌细胞在这些纤维周围形成, 然后你就得了肺癌,它会扩散,是致命的. A third asbestos illness, mesothelioma, is a rare type of cancer but is very deadly.

It is unlikely that a moderate exposure to asbestos fibers will ca使用 one of these illnesses to develop. Asbestos is a natural mineral, and is therefore found in the ambient air we breathe. It has been estimated that the average person will breathe in around 26 million fibers in their lifetime. The problem is knowing at what time an asbestos illness will be triggered. 这就是所谓的剂量-反应关系. 你接触得越多,你就越有可能出现问题. 没有一个神奇的数字可以决定你是否会生病. Most people who have come down with an asbestos illness in the past are those that have had multiple, 广泛的接触, 尤其是那些从事采矿的人, 制造业, 建筑业和造船厂.

石棉是一种耐火和耐腐蚀的矿物, 具有优异的绝缘性能, 抗拉强度高, 相对便宜, 而且在过去很容易得到. It was often referred to as the "super mineral;" highly sought after in the construction industry, 还有航空和汽车工业.

Although it was known that asbestos fibers likely ca使用d health problems in the early to mid-1900s, 直到20世纪70年代,美国才开始实施.S. 联邦政府决定采取一些监管措施. 起初,该标准只适用于K-12学校. 现在环境保护署, OSHA, 消费品安全委员会, 矿山, 点, and several other agencies have created standards and regulations in regard to the manufacture, 使用, 处理, transportation and disposal; however, asbestos is not completely banned and can still be 使用d in the manufacture of many building products today, 尤其是那些在美国以外生产的.

环境健康与安全 employs an Asbestos Program Manager in charge of the Management in Place policy for all campus facilities. Since asbestos building products kept in good condition do not pose any health hazard, and beca使用 there are so many asbestos-containing materials found in our buildings, our main goal is to leave them in place and ensure they are maintained in good condition. At the time an asbestos-containing building material needs to be removed, 例如用于改造项目, 只有合格的减排人员才能做到这一点, 在严格清除下, 处理及弃置规定. The EHS Asbestos Program Manager will oversee this work to ensure the safety of all occupants in the building. 如果你发现损坏的建筑部件可能含有石棉, 或者如果你不确定它们是否含有石棉, 请致电208-885-6524与EHS联系.

It is not financially possible to remove it all as it is very widespread. Management in Place is the EPA recommended solution for managing asbestos-containing materials.

Medical surveillance is recommended for animal workers and may be required if you wear a respirator, EHS规定的. 这涉及到医生对你医疗记录的审查. If the doctor determines it is warranted, an appointment may be requested to gather more information. 这可能包括身体检查, 血液测试, x-rays or other tests depending on your history and job-related exposure risks.

Departments are responsible for the costs associated with medical surveillance, not individuals.

没有一个. 你的病历保存在医生办公室. Only the doctor's recommendation regarding your abilities and needs are provided to 环境健康与安全.

If there is visible mold in your work place please report this to Facilities at 208-885-6246 as soon as possible. Facilities and 环境健康与安全 will work together to determine the appropriate course of action to remediate the problem.

大多数(如果不是全部的话)室内发现的霉菌来自室外. It needs moisture to grow and becomes a problem where there is moisture damage, 高湿度, 或潮湿. Controlling excess moisture is the key to preventing and stopping indoor mold growth. 任何因漏水而变湿的地方, 洪水, or other means should be promptly reported to Facilities at 208-885-6246 so they may control the source of moisture and begin efforts to dry out the area.

A respirator is a device 使用d to protect a person from inhaling contaminants in the air, 比如微粒, 化学品和气体. N-95s and other "dust masks" are considered respirators and you must consult with EHS prior to using them. 你的主管必须提供适当的培训, 确保你在医学上能够佩戴, 并确保使用本身不会产生额外的安全风险. 请看我们的"什么是呼吸器?页可获得更多详细信息.

Participation in this program is required if you are required to 使用 a respirator as a part of your job duties/activities at the university. 请看我们的"Respirator Use Determination Flowchart" and contact us at 208-885-6524 for assistance in determining if you need to participate in the program. Additional information regarding university policies may be found in the APM第35章.51.

The program involves three parts: medical surveillance (see above), training and fit-testing. Medical surveillance reviews, training and fit-testing must be done annually. 培训, there is an initial in-person class with the respiratory protection program coordinator, 然后每年的复习都在网上完成.


MS 2030 



