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Emma Poe运用色彩理论和自然光为刘易斯顿青少年矫正中心创造了重新设计的概念.



“I think the main thing was the loss of any form of privacy, and other inmates’ attitudes rubbed off on theirs — or vice versa,” said Poe, 谁在伊利诺伊大学攻读室内建筑和设计学士学位 College of Art and Architecture. “也许你刚刚接受了很好的心理治疗,今天过得很愉快, 然后你就被困在你那态度恶劣的室友身上了, and it just brings you back down.”

在为她的高级顶点项目选择设计概念时 Interior Architecture and Design Program, Poe focused on theories of rehabilitation versus confinement, 努力强调囚犯的物理环境如何对个人成长产生积极影响.


州政府司法中心委员会2015年的报告强调,在所有州,青少年“获释后再犯罪的可能性远远高于成年人”.” Of the 39 states that track recidivism rates, 少年犯比例最高的地区,三年内再犯的比例为76%,五年内再犯的比例为84%.

我们需要鼓励这些孩子成为最好的自己,这样他们以后就不会被关进监狱. Emma Poe

Poe was baffled. 她联系了位于刘易斯顿的爱达荷州青少年矫正中心,希望能产生积极的影响.

“很多青少年都有家庭问题,他们在寻找逃离的理由, so they act out and get involved in drugs. 我们需要鼓励这些孩子成为最好的自己,这样他们以后就不会被关进监狱,” Poe said.

A close up of Emma Poe's hand working on a floor plan.

Nature’s Rehabilitative Prowess

Soon, Poe’s design project was underway. The 22-year-old from Hailey connected with Kelly Stevens, 刘易斯顿少年教养中心的高级维修工匠, which houses boys and young men ages 13-18, often with significant substance abuse issues.

在参观完监狱设施后,爱伦·坡觉得有必要重新设计监狱的户外空间. So she created concepts for a garden that, according to research, 可能会导致焦虑的减少和自我价值的增加——新获得的技能和为公共消费种植食物的满足感的结果.

Poe’s inspiration came from a family member who, after being locked up with limited access to the outdoors, 被转移到一个有类似园艺项目的设施,很快就兴奋地在早上醒来.

“Just letting the sun hit your skin, or doing things with your hands that means something, 为你周围的人生产食物——这是一种使命感,” Poe said.

Near the proposed garden, and next to the existing basketball courts, 坡设计了一个室外探视区,囚犯可以在一个更私密的环境中与家人见面.

Thanks in part to Poe’s ideas, 惩教中心正在将室外篮球场延长约20英尺, Stevens said, and may plant trees in the lawn area for possible outside visitation.

“I was very impressed by Emma’s designs, and I explained some of her ideas to my superintendent,” Stevens said. “他听到这些消息很兴奋,并说他想和我们的副主任分享一些想法.”

Poe’s renderings of a newly designed outdoor space, spiritual center and individual cellblock at the corrections center.

Natural Light and Color Theory


“我站在一个空牢房里,走过所有的大厅和现有的教室,”坡说. “我能体会到被挤在没有窗户的小教室里的感觉. 天花板大约有10英尺高,所以教室感觉就像小盒子. 他们把大约五名教师并排塞进一条分隔教室的小走廊里.”

我站在一间空牢房里,走过所有的大厅和现有的教室. 我能体会到被挤在没有窗户的小教室里的感觉.” Emma Poe

The hallway, Poe said, serves as the teacher prep space, which allows for three and a half to four feet per teacher, along with their individual computers, desks and chairs.

“Kelly said that if anything needed to be changed, it was the classrooms and teacher prep space,” Poe said. “The teachers are the ones who are supposed to inspire students, but if they don’t feel inspired themselves, how are they supposed to do that? Kelly didn’t want the classroom to be a negative space.”

爱伦·坡的研究表明,自然光经常鼓励学习,让学生感到更舒适. 因此,她提议将教室和备课空间搬到新设计的侧翼. 然后,她扩大了空间,增加了符合监管安全和防火标准的大窗户, but wouldn’t require wire framing. 她还运用了色彩理论——颜色可以影响人们的感知和行为——并为墙壁选择了冷绿色和蓝色调.

“我向凯利提出了一个想法,那就是不必太贵, but research tells us that the color green inspires growth,” Poe said. “And there’s a connection to nature.”

Now working as a junior designer at a firm in Ketchum, 爱伦·坡说她可能有一天会回到监狱设计的世界.

“The main design challenge that I had with this project, which I thought was fascinating, was the limitations,” Poe said. “Knowing the limitations were there because of an inmate’s safety, not just because the client doesn’t like the color blue, made this project really meaningful. 我必须发挥创意,想办法在空间里放些什么,让它们仍然充满灵感, and still make for good design.”

Article by Kate Keenan, College of Art and Architecture
Published September 2019

Interior Architecture and Design

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Interior Architecture and Design